THROWBACK: Cheer Dance 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013

One of the best events of junior year.

Two happiest moments of my life and of my junior year. That's when I danced and when we, Year III - St. Paul, won 2nd place. It wasn't easy being my section's dance leader but I never regretted it. After all the practicing, when I honestly thought that it won't turn out to be the performance I was hoping it to be, my beautiPauls proved me waaay wrong. THEY MADE ME SO PROUD. And I couldn't get any happier, even if we just won second. Because deep in my heart, we were all winners. I was a winner.

I miss you everyday, beautiPauls! I have never forgotten and will never forget this. Thank you!
[video's unlisted so just copy and paste this link ☺]

UPCAT 2014

I took the UPCAT or the University of the Philippines College Admission Test today. My brain is super drained and my body hurts too for sitting for 5 hours straight. It was a nice but tiring experience. Don't get me wrong. I love having new experiences but like 80% of it was just plain WTH? My session was at 12:30PM at the GCEB Training Rooms. We were the only group whose area's air-conditioned. Sweet! I was with Shannon, Kriss, Isza, Antoinette, Michael, and Nikka. I was with two of my 6th grade best friends, too! The rest of my AC batchmates were in the other designated areas. 

So the test was just... Wow. I think I did well in the Language Proficiency part. Of course... not really in the Filipino part. Hahahaha! Science and Math both sucked. Reading Comprehension was okay, I guess, but several parts sucked too *coughs* Filipino. My eyes were already hurting during Math which was the third and the second to the last subtest. My back started to ache and so did my butt but I endured it all.We ended at exactly 6PM.

I'm not expecting anything although yes, honestly, I'm worried also for my result. I'm not actually planning to study in UPV (because I just think that there is noooooo way I'm studying in UPD or in some other uni in Manila). But, you know, to study there or not, who wouldn't want to pass a college entrance test? I want to. But I'm just not expecting anything. It's all in God's will. I've been believing in that since this morning and until the exam was finished. It's all in His will.


Dance covers, yes?

Ever since around late 2011, I've been learning and memorizing K-Pop choreographies, mostly of girl groups though because... I'm not sure, really. Those of boy bands are the hip hop-ish ones which is my dance style but I guess since I'm a girl anyway, I find it easier to learn those of the females. 
In 2012, I've been wanting to make dance cover videos and post them on Youtube but that has still never happened.

You don't need to ask why.

Here are the K-Pop choreographies I've memorized so far this 2013 in order:

The Imperfectly Perfect and The Filipino Chuck Bass

My favorite American dancers ♥ 
Well the other one's Filipino actually. :'>

Ian Eastwood. The Imperfectly Perfect.

Some of my favorite pieces:

Brian Puspos. The Filipino Chuck Bass.

I adore him a bit more than I adore Ian so I have several favorite pieces: